Silt Curtain & Spill Kit Case Study – Haslin Constructions

Trade Environmental assisted Haslin Construction in the use and supply of one our silt curtains and spill kits for their job site. Silt Curtains are designed to contain and control silt plume migration from aquatic systems during project construction phases. All workplace facilities run the risk of leaking equipment or large-scale spills. Spill kits make up a central feature of any spill response plan to minimise the effects of a spill and ensure your site complies with environmental standards.

Haslin utilised one of our silt curtains on their job site to mitigate and control any chance of a release as they worked heavily with the sea floor through their construction of a coffer dam and avoiding a release was a major priority. Silt curtains are floating barriers designed to control the movement of silt from activity in the marine environment; they consist of a floating chamber and a skirt that sits beneath the surface of the water.

Haslin also purchased a 140Lt fuel spill kit, this kit was put to use in preventing any spills in the construction of the Coffer dam. Haslin emphasised the need to assure the spill kit was used to the highest standard and we assisted them through providing clear and concise advice and information on use and the training of staff in the use of the spill kit to assure the best results were achieved on site.

Trade Environmental specialise in spill kits and related spill response products and can help you when it comes to deciding the most suitable kit for your project or application. The spill kits we supply come in a variety of affordable options from small portable carry style kits that are perfect for vehicles and smaller applications, through to standard wheelie bin style kits for larger applications and major projects.

Please click here for more information on Silt Curtains & Spill Kits

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